What are you hungry for? Click a filter to choose from our menu See Our PDF Menu EnchiladasCombosPastaPulpoCamaronesResParrilladasLunchMake Your Own ComboLunchDesayunosDesayunos EspecialesA la CartaNiñosSidesBebidasPostresAperitivosQueso FundidoPuercoPolloBotanas de MariscosOrdenes de CevicheOstionesBurritos y MasTortasEmpanadasBurritosNachosBotanasQuesadillasTaquitosBirriaTacosEnsaladasCoctelesTostadasPescadoSalmonFiletesHuachinangoMojarraMolcajetesLangostasFajitasCaldos EnchiladasCombosPastaPulpoCamaronesResParrilladasLunch— Make Your Own Combo— LunchDesayunos— Desayunos Especiales— A la CartaNiñosSidesBebidasPostresAperitivos— Queso FundidoPuercoPolloBotanas de Mariscos— Ordenes de Ceviche— OstionesBurritos y Mas— Tortas— Empanadas— Burritos— Nachos— Botanas— Quesadillas— Taquitos— BirriaTacosEnsaladasCoctelesTostadasPescado— Salmon— Filetes— Huachinango— MojarraMolcajetesLangostasFajitasCaldos Marlin (2) Two swordfish taco grilled with onions, tomatoes & chile pasilla with melted cheese. Marlin Combo (2) Served with rice & bean Gobernador (2) Tomato, onion, chile jalapeño & tomato sauce sauteed in butter with melted cheese inside, lettuce... Gobernador Combo (2) Served with rice & beans Pescado Corn tortilla stuffed with selected fish, onions, cilantro & a special cream Pescado Combo (2) Served with rice & beans Camarón Corn tortilla stuffed with shrimp, onions, cilantro & a special cream. Camarón Combo (2) Served with rice & beans Pulpo Corn tortilla stuffed with octopus, onions, cilantro & a special cream Pulpo Combo (2) Served with rice & beans Enchilado de Camarón Enchilados de Camarón Combo (2) Served with chile de arbol, onion, green onions & melted cheese. Topped with sour cream.... Soft Tacos Your choice of asada, carnitas or chicken Soft Tacos Combo (2) Served with rice & beans Tacos al Pastor de Pescado (2) Tacos Al Pastor de Pescado Combo (2) Served with rice & beans